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Obtaining a Google Maps API Key

I recently observed an issue when debugging my Xamarin.Forms.Android solution which uses Xamarin.FormsMaps in two different development environments. The problem was, that I received an error stating that I was missing authentication with the Google Maps API in only one development environment. Solving the issue This guide assumes that you… Read More »Obtaining a Google Maps API Key

Resolving “Compile to dalvik: Unexpected top-level error” under Xamarin.Android

If you are using the following configuration under Xamarin.Android, you may experience an issue (“Compile to dalvik: Unexpected top-level error“) which prevents your build from succeeding: Xamarin.Forms Xamarin.Forms.Maps Deploying to release Resolving the issue To resolve this issue, simply do the following: Right-click on your Xamarin.Android… Read More »Resolving “Compile to dalvik: Unexpected top-level error” under Xamarin.Android

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